
Art and Artifacts Divison

515 Malcolm X Blvd135th St and Malcolm X Blvd
Phone: 212-491-2241
Business Hours: Monday, Wed - Friday 11 am until 5 pm Closed on Tuesday, Saturday and SundayEmail: schomburgart@nypl.orgWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

Detail from the painting "Yellow Rocker" by Bernard P. Schardt, c. 1935-43.

Detail from the painting "Yellow Rocker" by Bernard P. Schardt, c. 1935-43.

The Art and Artifacts Division collects, documents, preserves, and interprets art and artifacts by and about peoples of African heritage throughout the world. Fine and applied art and material culture objects from the seventeenth century to the present are collected, with emphasis on the visual arts of the twentieth century in the United States and Africa.

Image caption: Detail from “Yellow Rocker,” 1935–1943 (approximate). Art and Artifacts Division, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library. Explore more in the Library's Digital Collections.